I've just found your Substack and OH it's such a gem! I used to hate buaya (bunga pepaya) for the same reason you hated pare, the bitterness caught me off guard out of nowhere. I found that you need to boil it with tamarind juice and salt, then really squeeze them out after you strain them. Now I love them!

Chicken breast though, unless it's sous-vide or pressure-cooked... I still have mild aversion to it.

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OK but bunga pepaya cooked in tamarind juice is very unheard of! (at least for me) - I'm glad you found the way to enjoy them. Also curious, what's with chicken breast? Is it the texture? 🤔

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On a taste & texture level, it's drier than the juicy thigh.. but it was more of a psychological thing: "agh, it's too healthy and healthy food is surely not yummy" but not anymore!

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Omg! Another piece of your writing that I like! And agree with! Aku merasakan sendiri, seiring berjalannya waktu, bertambahnya umur, ada beberapa makanan yang dulu aku ngga suka dan ngga mau makan sama sekali, jadi aku makan (walaupun ngga sampe suka sih) dan sebaliknya. It feels like my palate "grow" as well. And you are totally right, what it takes is only a second chance. But to give it the second chance, I have to convince myself that no food is bad and it's okay to have particular preference so I don't have to feel bad about not liking it. Hahahahah. Kadang kalau misalnya ada orang-orang di sekelilingku ngga suka sama sesuatu, terutama yang aku suka, aku suka bilang "Mungkin kamu belum nemu (nama makanan) yang tepat aja kali..." (talk about being hopeful dan rada maksa), but I also try to respect their preferences too.

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Thanks for the kind words Firda, glad to hear you like it!

I like the way you put it, that your palate also grows with you! It's giving ✨ character development ✨ - balik lagi semua ke selera ya, dan selera juga ikut tumbuh dan berkembang. Makin banyak kita nyoba makanan, makin tau makanan mana yang cocok buat kita dan nggak. Out of curiosity, what was the food you used to hate growing up? 🤔

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I’m a firm believer kalo harus coba dulu sebelom bilang gasuka or gamau (when it comes to food)🤣 it reminds me of the time when i was a kid and i didn’t want to try durian. My dad, the biggest durian fan in the world, literally forced me to try. Together with my mom, they both held my legs, hands, and head and smear some durian into my mouth. From that second onwards i will never refuse durian anytime anywhere 😆 sounds barbaric but i thanked him for it ahahah

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Agree! Saying you don't like something before even trying it doesn't make any sense - but that durian experience is CRAZY 😭

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And he would tell this story every single time we eat durian 😅 he did it to my sister too lol

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